“You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others...” (Matthew 5:14a, 16a ESV)
“...among whom you shine as lights in the world,” (Philippians 2:15 ESV)
As disciples of Christ, we have His light shining inside us! By the working of His Holy Spirit, the light of His love shines in us and through us. We have been called to shine that light into the darkness of this world. When we shine His light, we remove darkness - and the darkness can never extinguish that light (see John 1:5).
Without Christ, we have no light within us. But when we accept Christ and receive His Holy Spirit, He fills us to overflowing - and the light and love that fills us pours out into the world and into the lives of those around us.
Like the moon reflects the light of the sun back into the world, we, as disciples, reflect the light of the Son - that is, the light of Jesus Christ - back into the world. The moon has no light of its own and can only reflect the light of the sun. Similarly, we have no light of our own without the Son. We can only reflect the light that Christ shines onto us. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing; however, when we abide in Him and He in us, we will bear much fruit - fruit for the good of all - fruit that is meant to be shared with others (see John 15:5).
Jesus commissioned us to spread the Good News and to lead others to Him (see Matthew 28:19-20). When we reflect His light, we light the way to lead others through the darkness and into His presence. If our light becomes dim, we will be unable to help others to find their way and we will lose our way as well. We must keep our light burning bright and never allow it to become dim. We must know the truth, speak the truth, and walk in the truth at all times in order to keep the light burning brightly - for only a radiant light will draw others toward Him and into the light of His presence.
When we shine a pure and radiant light, we will lead others to very same Savior we represent! When we represent Christ, we “re-present” Him to others! Let’s keep our light burning ever-brightly for all to see! Let’s light the way to Jesus - the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6)!
Shine On Brightly!
Lord Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life! You bring light to a world darkened by sin. Send Your Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and ignite a flame - an eternal flame of pure, radiant light. Let Your light shine in us and through us so that we may be like beacons in the darkness that light the way to You! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. †