“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1 ESV)
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
(John 20:29b ESV)
Detective Rogers, the Latent Prints Examiner of the Columbia Police Department’s CSI Forensics Unit, meticulously studied the crime scene. He then proceeded to dust the doorknob of the main entry door for fingerprints hoping to find the necessary evidence to prove the identity of the perpetrator. He successfully lifted a partial thumbprint that, after careful examination and research, would later lead to a positive identification of the criminal.
Much like a forensic investigator, many are searching for the scientific evidence to prove, or in many cases disprove, the very existence of God. The fact is that the evidence of God’s existence can be discovered and proven immediately by simply looking at the world around us.
Gaze up into the sky and see the wonder of His glory! The vast expanse of the firmament above us proclaims the evidence of His creation (see Psalm 19:1)!
Look around at the beauty of nature that God has created for us – the trees, mountains, lakes, and seas!
Observe the abundance of life He has created around us – the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the animals that roam about the land!
Look into a mirror and see His image that He has recreated in each and every one of us!
Look around and see the wonder and glory of all that He has created! Heaven and Earth are proclaiming the glory of God! And all creation testifies and bears witness to His existence as the Creator of all living things! For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being (see Acts 17:28).
The fingerprints of God are all around us! It doesn’t take a forensic scientist to prove His existence - for everything that lives and moves proclaims that He is the Creator!
“The heavens are telling the glory of God,
And all creation is shouting for joy!
Come, dance in the forest, come, play in the field,
And sing, sing to the glory of the Lord!”
(From Canticle of the Sun by Marty Haugen)
While, in the present, we cannot see God face to face, we clearly see and feel His presence both in the world around us and in our hearts! Blessed are they who have not yet seen but still believe (cf. John 20:29).
Father, we see Your fingerprints on all You have created. The heavens and earth proclaim Your handiwork and bear witness to Your power and glory as the Creator of the Universe. We thank You for all You have created for us to enjoy and for the gift of life You have given unto us. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen. †