"...whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV)
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
(Colossians 3:17 ESV)
Jake smoothed out the creases from the crumpled up dollar bill he had in his pocket and hungrily fed it into the candy machine. He was running late for a meeting and didn’t have time to stop off to eat on his way back to the office so he figured he’d grab a quick candy bar to get him through the rest of the busy day ahead.
As he scarfed down his Twix and entered the meeting room, Carol greeted him with a smile and invited him to a get-together she had planned for the following Saturday. Jake really wanted to go, since most of his coworkers would be there as well, but he replied that he was very busy that weekend with previous commitments and probably wouldn’t be able to make it. He then thought for a moment and told Carol that, even though he was very busy, he would try his best to fit it into his schedule and hoped to be there.
As it turned out, Jake didn’t make it to the get-together. Even though he tried to fit it into his busy schedule that day, there just wasn’t enough time to get together at the get-together.
Many of us lead “busy” lives that, more often than not, seem to prevent us from getting together with family and friends because of “previous commitments” or “scheduling conflicts”, etc. Similarly, many of us “feel bad” that we don’t seem to have enough time to make prayer or Bible reading a part of our “busy” day. Even though we try very hard, with the best intentions, we just can’t seem to “fit” God into our busy schedule. But when it comes to spending time with God, this needn’t be the case.
Perhaps, if we have a different concept of how we can spend quality time with God, we will realize that we are never “too busy” to connect with God. We truly can spend every moment of our life with Him!
God is always available for us and He is with us at all times by the power of His Holy Spirit, which indwells in our hearts. When we acknowledge His presence within us, we become one with Him – we unite with Him and experience a spiritual communion together with Him! God is indeed with us in every breath that we take and He walks with us through every step of our life!
No matter how busy we “think” we are we can still be with Him at all times in everything we do. If we live our lives so that God is truly at the center of everything we think, say, and do, all of our thoughts and actions will bring us closer into a true union with Him. Our union with God brings about a communion with God! When we walk through life together with God every step of the way, we are never alone. We not only have fellowship with Him but He also leads us in the right direction and guides us to make the right choices and decisions necessary to live a positive and fruitful life. God created us on purpose for a purpose. And He wants to be with us every moment as we realize and fulfill that purpose.
It is true that we must set time aside and forgo the distractions of the world around us to commune one-on-one with God, but we can also be sure He is with us every other moment as well by never losing sight of Him. We can pray all through the day because He reads our hearts and our minds. He hears everything we think – so let’s talk to Him all day long! He senses everything we feel – so let’s open our hearts to Him! Let’s invite Him to a 24/7/365 get-together and ask Him to be with us at work, at play, at rest – at all times! Let’s be sure that everything we do - we do for God! Let’s be sure that everything we do - has Him at the center and gives glory to Him! (see 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17) – no matter what we do, let’s do it together with God and for the glory of God!
Let’s remember that we’re never too busy to spend every moment together with God!
Father, we thank You for always being with us! We know You are truly with us in every breath and in every step we take! Strengthen us to be aware of Your presence and to keep our focus directly on You so that You are truly at the center of everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do. No matter what we do, we want to do it together with You! We want to be busy with You! We want to be at one with You at all times! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. †