<![CDATA[Cornerstone Christian Ministries - Blog]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 21:24:03 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[The Reverse Domino Effect]]>Thu, 31 Oct 2024 05:37:32 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/the-reverse-domino-effect9066613Picture

So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.”
(Hebrews 12:12-13 NLT)


The “Domino Effect” is a term used to signify a chain reaction where one event initiates a chain of similar, relative events. The term is used as an analogy to falling rows of dominoes.
Our actions have consequences; that is, the things we do have an effect. The resulting effect is a chain reaction that has an impact not only on us individually but on others as well. As with the falling domino analogy, the resulting effect will also have an affect on others. When our actions are negative in nature, they will produce negative effects. Conversely, our positive actions will have positive effects.
As believers, we must be aware that our actions have these impacting consequences. Our negative actions will have an unfavorable influence on others. If we do not walk in the light of faith, we will stumble, fail, and fall. When fall, we bring about a domino effect causing those around us to stumble, fail, and fall with us as well.
On the other hand, when we walk in the light as Christ is in the light (see 1 John 1:7), we reflect the light of Christ into the world and onto those around us. The result is what we refer to as the “Reverse Domino Effect”. Instead of the rows of dominoes falling, we raise the rows of dominoes back to a standing position. We counteract any previous negativity that has caused the dominoes to fall and help to raise them up again. In other words, instead of knocking down those around us, we lift them up, strengthen them, and keep them from falling.
Our positive actions have a positive influence on those around us. When we are secure in our faith and keep the Lord’s commands, we help to provide a stable foundation on which we can help others to stand and to build. That stable foundation is our Lord Jesus Christ. The wise builder will build his house upon the rock and the house will not fall (see Matthew 7:24-27).
“Dominoes” set upon the rock of Christ will not fall. Neither will they cause others around them to fall but rather will be rooted in the firm and stable foundation found in Jesus Christ that together all will remain strong and stay standing.
Lets us stay strong and lead by the example of Jesus. Let us make our paths straight and build our lives upon the rock of Jesus Christ so that others will not fall and will be made strong (cf. Hebrews 12:13).
Lord Jesus, lead us and guide us that we may follow Your example. Help us to build upon Your stable foundation that we may stand firm and not fall. In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Faith Comes By Hearing]]>Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:34:58 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/faith-comes-by-hearing3188013Picture

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
(Romans 10:17 NKJV)

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in June and the congregation filled the church to capacity eagerly awaiting Pastor Rick’s message. He was a very animated and charismatic speaker known for his passionate, deeply inspiring sermons. Pastor Rick always spoke right into the hearts of the people with an authentic and transparent style, pouring out the Spirit that God had poured into him.

Ronnie, a newcomer to the church, was very moved by Pastor Rick’s message that day. Ronnie believed he was hearing God’s call but was still seeking answers to the many spiritual questions he had been wrestling with for years. After the service, he approached Pastor Rick and asked him how he came to have such a passion for Jesus and how to find that kind of faith.

Pastor Rick pointed to the Bible he was holding and quoted Romans 10:17. He told Ronnie that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. He said that in order to come to true faith in God we must read the Bible in order to let Him speak to us so that He can teach us who He is and how much He loves us – and there we will find our faith.

Ronnie felt very excited as he headed home with a newly found motivation to read his Bible hoping to find the faith he had been seeking for such a long time. He spent much time reading and studying God's Word and eventually came to have great faith placing all of his hope and trust in the Lord.

New believers and seekers long to have faith but are not sure where to find it. Thankfully, God tells us, in Romans 10:17, where to find and develop the faith we seek – in His Word! In order to have faith in God, we must get to know Him so that when we know Him and understand His plan for us, we will come to find true faith in Him. We will know that we can place all of our hope and trust in Him!

We need to read and study God’s Word in order to meet Him and develop a trusting relationship with Him. God reveals Himself to us and His plan of redemption and salvation for us in the Scriptures. When we hear Him speaking to us, we come to realize just how much He loves and cares for us. God loves us so much that He gave His only Son Jesus to save us and bring eternal life to all who believe in Him (see John 3:16-17). Ephesians 2:8 explains that we are saved by God’s grace through our faith. We receive the saving grace God extends to us through the faith we have in His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. God's Word enlightens and comforts us by giving us the knowledge and confidence that we can put all of our hope and trust in the promises of Christ.

So then faith comes to us by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God – the message of Christ – the Good News! (see Romans 10:17)
Let’s be sure to read our Bibles so that we can meet our God and develop a personal relationship with Him. When we read His Word, He will speak right into our hearts through the power of His Holy Spirit and He will reveal Himself to us. If we listen, we will hear Him; and the faith we seek will truly come to us bringing confidence and comfort!
Father, we thank You for revealing Yourself to us so that we may find true faith by hearing Your Word. We thank You for the gift of Your grace through our faith in Jesus Christ, Your Son, in whose Holy Name we pray, Amen.

<![CDATA[Jesus at the Center]]>Sun, 21 Jul 2024 08:48:04 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/jesus-at-the-center8145210Picture

“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
(Psalm 118:22 ESV)

The cornerstone sets the foundation upon which a structure is built and upon which the structure depends for support. When the proper cornerstone is chosen and properly placed, it provides the support needed to keep the structure standing firm and prevents it from falling. Psalm 118:22 alludes to Jesus as the Cornerstone which the builders had rejected. When we reject Jesus as the Cornerstone to build our lives upon, we are destined to fall.

As Jesus Himself said in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (see Matthew 7:24-27 and Luke 6:46-49), we are to build our lives upon Him as our Foundation. If we do otherwise and build upon a different foundation rather than on that of Jesus, we will surely fall when facing the adversities we are challenged with in life.

When Jesus is our Cornerstone; when Jesus is our Foundation; when Jesus is truly at the center of our life and the main focus of our thoughts and actions, He will provide us with the firm foundation to stay standing through the struggles and challenges we daily face.

​When Jesus is truly at the center of everything we think - everything we say - and everything we do, the choices we make are based upon the foundation of His teaching and upon His values and not upon the poor judgement we tend to have when our focus is elsewhere. We start to see a change - we no longer struggle with situations we have created by our own bad decisions. We find new hope and a positive outlook knowing that with Jesus at the center of our lives, we can do all things though Him because He gives us strength (see Philippians 4:13)! When we build upon Jesus as the Cornerstone, we are made strong and we can stand against anything and everything!

With Jesus at the center of our lives we will stand firm and we will never fall! Let’s place our focus on Jesus and not on the distractions of this world nor on our own false wisdom. Let’s place our trust in the Lord and He will make our way straight (see Proverbs 3:5-6).

Lord Jesus, You are the Cornerstone, the Rock and Foundation upon which we build our lives. We pray for the strength and courage we know You will provide us with so that we may stay strong and stand firm against the challenges we face in our lives. We know that with You at the center of our lives we will never fall. We love You and we thank You, Lord Jesus. In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Hang a U-Turn!]]>Wed, 01 May 2024 04:42:30 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/hang-a-u-turn4968903Picture

Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,” 
(Acts 3:19 NIV)

​When traveling down the road, a driver saw a sign that said “Wrong Way”. He ignored the warning and continued on, knowing that he was heading in the wrong direction and into unavoidable danger.
Many of us, especially this author, have traveled the wrong way on the road of life, ignoring the warning signs along the way. We see the signs, yet we continue to head in the wrong direction only to lead ourselves into negative circumstances.
The warning signs we see along the way have been put there by God to protect us but unfortunately, even though we are fully aware of the consequences, we continue to move onward in the wrong direction. We know the difference between right and wrong, yet we continue to make the wrong choices. We receive the warnings, but we fail to heed them. We often justify our choices to ourselves knowing deep down inside that these choices are wrong. When we make the wrong choices, we hurt not only ourselves but often hurt others as well.
Jesus promised to send His Holy Spirit to help us, teach us, and guide us (see John 14:16-1726). The Holy Spirit warns us when we are heading the wrong way in order to protect us. When we heed His warning and turn back, we are then heading in the right direction - back to the safety that is found in Jesus Christ.
Acts 3:19 tells us that we are to repent and turn back to God. Simply stated, repentance is turning from going the wrong way and heading back in the right direction. In other words, to repent is to turn from our sin and to turn back toward God. In order to repent, we must confess our sin and take full responsibility for our previous actions. When we do so, and ask for His forgiveness, God extends His grace to us. Though we do not deserve His grace and mercy, He nevertheless extends His favor and forgiveness to us out of His everlasting love for us.
At Christ’s expense, we have been given the riches of God’s grace. Jesus promised to give us of His Spirit and when we accept Him and turn from our sin and turn toward God, we receive His Holy Spirit. Upon receiving His Spirit, we are created anew and we are given a new heart and a fresh start (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). The Holy Spirit changes our hearts and our minds and we move toward God and away from sin.
Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith. It is through our faith in Jesus Christ that we receive God’s grace that brings about the change of heart needed to truly repent and turn from sin completely.
It’s never too late to "hang a U-Turn” and head back in the right direction - back to Jesus. He gave His life for our sins to be forgiven and all we have to do is ask Him to forgive us - and He will! If you feel you are heading the wrong way; if you see the signs and hear the warnings, remember that you can always turn back to safety – all you need to do is ask and He will help you to turn from sin and turn back to Him to be refreshed and start anew. Things will change when you head in the right direction! Jesus is the Way (see John 14:6) and He will always protect us as He leads us in the right direction!
Lord Jesus, we know You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we turn from our former ways and we turn back to You. Please open our hearts to receive Your Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us, and protect us on our way! We love You and we thank You for forgiving us and creating us anew! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Jesus Christ is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!]]>Sat, 30 Mar 2024 06:53:16 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/jesus-christ-is-risen-indeed-alleluia5000405Picture

And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb…”
(Luke 24:2 ESV)

On that first glorious Easter morning, His disciples found the stone had been rolled away from the tomb. Jesus Christ had risen indeed! Alleluia!

In His dying He destroyed death and in His rising He restored life - and in Him we find a new and everlasting life!

​Yes, He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Let us rejoice today and every day in the glorious victory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Risen Jesus, we rejoice in Your glorious victory, Alleluia! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

​We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! ​​

<![CDATA[Shine the Light!]]>Wed, 28 Feb 2024 07:34:07 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/shine-the-light7256830Picture

“You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others...” (Matthew 5:14a, 16a ESV)

“...among whom you shine as lights in the world,” (Philippians 2:15 ESV)

​As disciples of Christ, we have His light shining inside us! By the working of His Holy Spirit, the light of His love shines in us and through us. We have been called to shine that light into the darkness of this world. When we shine His light, we remove darkness - and the darkness can never extinguish that light (see John 1:5).

Without Christ, we have no light within us. But when we accept Christ and receive His Holy Spirit, He fills us to overflowing - and the light and love that fills us pours out into the world and into the lives of those around us.

Like the moon reflects the light of the sun back into the world, we, as disciples, reflect the light of the Son - that is, the light of Jesus Christ - back into the world. The moon has no light of its own and can only reflect the light of the sun. Similarly, we have no light of our own without the Son. We can only reflect the light that Christ shines onto us. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing; however, when we abide in Him and He in us, we will bear much fruit - fruit for the good of all - fruit that is meant to be shared with others (see John 15:5).

Jesus commissioned us to spread the Good News and to lead others to Him (see Matthew 28:19-20). When we reflect His light, we light the way to lead others through the darkness and into His presence. If our light becomes dim, we will be unable to help others to find their way and we will lose our way as well. We must keep our light burning bright and never allow it to become dim. We must know the truth, speak the truth, and walk in the truth at all times in order to keep the light burning brightly - for only a radiant light will draw others toward Him and into the light of His presence.

When we shine a pure and radiant light, we will lead others to very same Savior we represent! When we represent Christ, we “re-present” Him to others! Let’s keep our light burning ever-brightly for all to see! Let’s light the way to Jesus - the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6)!

Shine On Brightly!

Lord Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life! You bring light to a world darkened by sin. Send Your Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and ignite a flame - an eternal flame of pure, radiant light. Let Your light shine in us and through us so that we may be like beacons in the darkness that light the way to You! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.

<![CDATA[A New Creation!]]>Wed, 17 Jan 2024 06:54:45 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/a-new-creation2040430Picture

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
​(2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV)

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me…”
(Galatians 2:20 ESV)

The caterpillar crawled slowly through the dirt seemingly getting nowhere. He used every ounce of his energy to move forward making very little progress. Day after day, he crawled about through the dirt and debris, struggling to overcome the many obstacles in his path, only to have traveled a few feet in the end.

As time passed, the caterpillar found himself trapped in a cocoon barely able to move. He struggled to free himself but to no avail. Life
 to him seemed to be an unrelenting, perpetual struggle to escape from his bondage. Desperately wanting to break free, he continued to struggle with of all the strength he could muster and finally broke free from his entombment.

As he emerged from the torn cocoon, he realized that he had experienced a change – a transformation from what he once had been to what he had now become.  The caterpillar, once struggling through the dirt, crawling to get nowhere, had now become a beautiful butterfly soaring about high in the sky so very far from where he was before!

Life was quite different for him now. As a butterfly, he no longer struggled to move about. He no longer crawled through dirt and debris. He was a new creation – a beautiful creature that had been transformed with a new life and a new purpose!

Much like the caterpillar, we often struggle to crawl over the obstacles we have created by our life choices. Although we try with all of our energy, we seem to be getting nowhere and often find it very difficult to see a purpose in our lives. Fortunately, like the caterpillar, we too can emerge from our cocoon and be transformed into a new creation with a new life and a new purpose!

When we give our lives to Christ, we are transformed and created anew in Him. We become a new creation! Our old ways pass away and give way to our new purpose (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). We die to our old self and are reborn filled with the Spirit of Christ (see Galatians 2:20). We are given a new life in Christ – a new life that transforms us into a new creation with the newfound ability to soar high above the obstacles we had previously created! - a new life with a new purpose far different than we had previously

When we finally realize that we are tired of crawling aimlessly through the obstacles of life; tired of struggling to break free from our bondage, we can open our hearts to receive Jesus Christ and to allow His Holy Spirit to fill us and change us. When we allow ourselves to be completely filled with His Spirit, He will forever transform us and set us free!

There is new life in Christ! The old will pass away and the new will come! (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Fly high and free for you are a new creation!

Lord Jesus, we pray to be born again and to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Fill our hearts with Your life and Your love and transform us into a new creation! Set us free with a new life and a new purpose! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Jesus is the Reason for the Season!]]>Tue, 19 Dec 2023 07:48:50 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/jesus-is-the-reason-for-the-season4054108Picture
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
(Isaiah 7:14 ESV)

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us)." (Matthew 1:23 ESV

Rejoice! Rejoice! God is with us! For the promise of God, spoken through the prophet Isaiah, has been fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ!

As we reflect on the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we recall God's promises and are again reminded of His never-ending love for us and His faithfulness to His Word.

God promised to send a Redeemer, to ransom us from captivity - the captivity of sin. Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, is the fulfillment of all God's promises made to us throughout Scripture.

Although we were once incarcerated in a prison of sin, we have been freed from our bondage by the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross. He has paid our sin-debt in full and has ransomed us from captivity! 

Rejoice! Rejoice! 
Jesus is the reason for the season!

We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas filled with the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You for the gift of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We rejoice for we know that You are truly with us always! In Jesus' Holy Name, we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Giving Thanks]]>Wed, 22 Nov 2023 07:09:34 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/giving-thanks4483582Picture

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!"
1 Chronicles 16:34)

As we pause to reflect on the First Thanksgiving, we recall the Pilgrims giving thanks to God for His steadfast love and constant protection during the seemingly unbearable hardships through which they had endured. They called upon God through fervent prayer and waited on Him patiently during their times of trouble and He responded to their needs.

God is always there when we call upon Him. He is always there for us in times of hardship or trouble. God is always faithful to those who love Him and obey His commands. He is our rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, stronghold, and salvation (Psalm 18:2).

How awesome and wonderful is our God! (Psalm 66:5)

As we take time to celebrate this coming Thanksgiving, let us also be sure to remember to give thanks to God for the gifts of life, love, grace, mercy, protection, and the exceedingly abundant blessings we receive from Him each and every day.

Loving God, we praise You in thanksgiving for the abundant gifts and countless blessings You bestow on us each and every day. We thank You for your guidance, protection, and for Your steadfast love which endures forever. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Prayer: The World's Greatest Wireless Connection]]>Thu, 16 Nov 2023 06:38:49 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/a-light-in-the-darkness5282031Picture

"...do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." 
(Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)

“The wifi isn’t working!” … “My internet connection keeps dropping!” … “This web page is taking forever to load!” … “My cell has no service again!” …
We’ve all said and heard these types of comments regarding wifi, internet connections, web pages, cell calls, etc. – and the list goes on and on…
Wouldn’t it be great to have a wifi connection that never lagged or dropped; an internet connection that really was super-fast and always-on; web pages that load immediately, and a cell phone that always has service? In the current hi-tech age of wireless technology, we’re always searching for the fastest, most reliable connections to satisfy our need for instant access and split-second responses.
While ISPs, cell carriers, and technology companies constantly race towards the next-level, high-speed, innovative “solution”, God has already had His solution in place and working without a hitch since the dawn of time – it’s called PRAYER! God has provided for us an always-on, high-speed, wireless connection directly to Him – and get this - His price is free – oh yeah, and there’s no device manual or 2-year service agreement needed! Prayer is God’s free gift to us so that we can stay in constant contact with Him. He’s always available and we don’t need to search for that lost device charger or worry about overcharges from our data plan.
Prayer is very powerful. Through prayer, we are able to communicate directly with God. We can talk directly to Him and if we listen closely, we will hear His Spirit speaking to us. Through prayer, we can petition Him regarding our needs and the needs of others and also thank Him for the blessings He has so graciously bestowed upon us. Through prayer, we can tell Him that we are here to do His will and ask Him to guide us in order to do so.

The Apostle Paul tells us, in Philippians 4, that we need not be anxious about anything but instead to pray to God with thanksgiving and to make our requests know to Him. Upon doing so, God will guard our hearts and minds through Jesus and will give to us His peace - a peace that surpasses all understanding! (see Philippians 4:6-7)

When we "upload" our prayers to God, we gain access to "unlimited downloads" of His peace! There are no data caps and no storage limitations! God wants us to upload prayer and download peace continuously!
Let us never underestimate the power of prayer and let us always be thankful for this wonderful, always-on, lightning-fast, free-of-charge, unlimited access, communication tool that has been given to us by our loving Creator!
Prayer truly is the world’s greatest wireless connection! Thank You God!
Father, we thank You for providing us with the wonderful gift of prayer! Thank You for giving us a way to communicate and to have communion with You! We love You, and we give You all praise, honor and glory! In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[A Light in the Darkness]]>Thu, 12 Oct 2023 04:32:40 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/a-light-in-the-darkness6583203Picture

"I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." 
(John 12:46 ESV)

Jesus is our light and our salvation. He came into the world as light so that we would not remain in darkness (see John 12:46).

Apart from Christ, we are lost in the deepest darkness. Without His light to guide us, we are sure to stumble and fall for we are unable to find our way on our own. When we are separated from Christ, we wander deeper into the darkness with no guidance along the way of life.

There is darkness in the world because it has become alienated from God who is light. But Jesus does not want us to be lost in the darkness. He promises that if we believe in Him, we will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (see John 8:12).

Jesus brings the light of God into the world to rescue us from the darkness. He enlightens us with the knowledge of truth and righteousness so that we can navigate a steady course through the obstacles we encounter in our lives. Jesus gives us the hope and strength that we need to endure and reveals to us the very presence of God that lights our path and leads us along the proper way.

Jesus wants us to place our trust in Him so that He can dispel the darkness and fill us with His light. When we open our hearts to Jesus, He fills us to overflowing so that we shine like brilliant, radiant beacons of light. He also wants us to reflect the light He shines on us back into the world around us and into the lives of others!

The light of Jesus Christ shines forever in the darkness and the darkness can never overcome His light (cf. John 1:5).

• Are you wandering in darkness?
• Will you place your trust in Jesus and receive His light?
• Will you reflect the light of Christ back into the lives of others?

Lord Jesus, we thank You for bringing Your light into the world to rescue us from darkness. We open our hearts to receive You and to reflect the light of Your love into the lives of others! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Break Every Chain]]>Wed, 06 Sep 2023 08:10:21 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/break-every-chain4191703Picture

​And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
(John 8:32 KJV)

“There is power in the name of Jesus
To break every chain” (Will Reagan)

​As this wonderful hymn tells us there is great power in the name of Jesus. A power great enough to break every chain - to break every chain that binds and enslaves us.

All of us have been bound or are currently bound by chains of bondage - the bondage of sin. If we have not yet broken free from our chains by the power of Jesus Christ who frees us, we are bound and restricted by these chains. We are not truly free. We are held back by what enslaves us - our sin. This sin controls us and prevents us from having the true freedom we inevitably seek. Sin has a powerful grip that stifles us and engulfs us in its murky mire. The grip of sin gives a feeling of drowning as in deep water or quicksand. Sin floods our lives and covers us and everything around us. 

If you feel as if you are being drawn under by the power of sin, all you need to do is call out to Jesus Christ to save you. He will give you of His power and He will pull you out and save you. We can break the bondage of these chains of sin by turning from the very sin that binds us and trusting in and following after Christ. When the temptation of sin attempts to throw its chains back around us, we cast off its chains by denying sin and accepting the power of Christ. When we accept Christ, He empowers us with His Holy Spirit. He guards and protects us from the deceptive attacks of the enemy and we can overcome the temptation of sin for we know that we can do all things through Him who gives us strength (see Philippians 4:13).

Trusting in Jesus gives us the hope and confidence to know that we can remain free from these chains forever. We know that He can and will do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or ever even imagine because His power is at work within us (see Ephesians 3:20). By this, we know that through Him the power of sin will be defeated and this gives us the courage we need to press on to fight the good fight.

The evil one is constantly waging spiritual warfare against us and we must remain on our guard and protected at all times. We must trust in the power of Jesus and clothe ourselves with the armor of God so that we can stand firm against the schemes and attacks of the evil one (see Ephesians 6:10-18). 

Jesus Christ is omnipotent - He is all-powerful and there is no other power that can stand against Him. When we follow after Him and lovingly trust in Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, there are no chains that can ever bind us and no power that can ever enslave us for He is mighty and He will save us. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life (cf. John 14:6) - and when we know and follow after the truth, the truth will set us free (cf. John 8:32) - we will break the chains forever!

“There is power in the name of Jesus…to break every chain”

Lord Jesus, we love You and we place our trust completely in You. We no that You are all-powerful and by Your power, there are no chains that can bind us when we abide in You. Guide us, guard us, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit now and forever. In Your name we pray, Amen. †

<![CDATA[The Fingerprints of God]]>Wed, 09 Aug 2023 07:49:00 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/the-fingerprints-of-god6525934Picture

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1 ESV)
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” 
(John 20:29b ESV)

Detective Rogers, the Latent Prints Examiner of the Columbia Police Department’s CSI Forensics Unit, meticulously studied the crime scene. He then proceeded to dust the doorknob of the main entry door for fingerprints hoping to find the necessary evidence to prove the identity of the perpetrator. He successfully lifted a partial thumbprint that, after careful examination and research, would later lead to a positive identification of the criminal.
Much like a forensic investigator, many are searching for the scientific evidence to prove, or in many cases disprove, the very existence of God. The fact is that the evidence of God’s existence can be discovered and proven immediately by simply looking at the world around us.
Gaze up into the sky and see the wonder of His glory! The vast expanse of the firmament above us proclaims the evidence of His creation (see Psalm 19:1)!
Look around at the beauty of nature that God has created for us – the trees, mountains, lakes, and seas!
Observe the abundance of life He has created around us – the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the animals that roam about the land!
Look into a mirror and see His image that He has recreated in each and every one of us!
Look around and see the wonder and glory of all that He has created! Heaven and Earth are proclaiming the glory of God! And all creation testifies and bears witness to His existence as the Creator of all living things! For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being (see Acts 17:28).
The fingerprints of God are all around us! It doesn’t take a forensic scientist to prove His existence - for everything that lives and moves proclaims that He is the Creator!
      “The heavens are telling the glory of God,
        And all creation is shouting for joy!
        Come, dance in the forest, come, play in the field,
        And sing, sing to the glory of the Lord!”
(From Canticle of the Sun by Marty Haugen)
While, in the present, we cannot see God face to face, we clearly see and feel His presence both in the world around us and in our hearts! Blessed are they who have not yet seen but still believe (cf. John 20:29).

Father, we see Your fingerprints on all You have created. The heavens and earth proclaim Your handiwork and bear witness to Your power and glory as the Creator of the Universe. We thank You for all You have created for us to enjoy and for the gift of life You have given unto us. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Celebrate Freedom!]]>Mon, 10 Jul 2023 08:17:37 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/celebrate-freedom6885287Picture

freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."

(Galatians 5:1 ESV)

This July 4th, we will join together to celebrate our freedom as an independent nation. Our government has set aside a day for us to reflect and rejoice in the freedom we enjoy together as citizens of the United States of America.
As Christians, we should also join together to celebrate our freedom in Christ! By His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus paid the debt for our sins and freed us from the power of sin and death. The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in our Lord, Jesus Christ (cf. Romans 6:23)!
Although the chains of our sin once bound us, we have been freed by the saving grace and sacrifice of Jesus. He paid our sin debt with His life and purchased for us the rewards of freedom and eternal salvation. We are now eternally free from our bondage and no longer slaves to sin. We have been saved by His grace, through our faith in Him (cf. Ephesians 2:8). Though unmerited, He has extended His mercy to us and we continue to receive grace upon grace (see John 1:16).
Jesus has set us free to stand firm in the liberty He has made (see Galatians 5:1). We have been made free at the cost of His death and so, in our gratitude, we should reflect and rejoice daily, giving thanks and praise to the One who purchased our freedom with His very life!
Let’s make a point of celebrating the freedom we have found in Christ every single day of our life! Let’s make a point of sharing the Good News of our freedom in Christ with others so that they may find the same freedom we enjoy! As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have been called to be free and to use our freedom to serve one another through love (see Galatians 5:13)!
Celebrate freedom! Celebrate together! Celebrate daily the freedom we have in Jesus Christ!
Lord, by Your life, death, and resurrection, You have set us free! You have freed us from the bondage of sin and death and purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation! We celebrate our freedom in You and give You the glory, honor, and praise You so rightly deserve! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Good Morning, God]]>Tue, 06 Jun 2023 08:12:57 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/good-morning-god9904019Picture

​"Lord, be gracious to us;
 we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress." 
(Isaiah 33:2 NIV)

A prayer of thanksgiving to God our Father is a great way to start the day.  When we open our eyes to greet the new day, the first thing we ought to do is thank our Creator for the gift of life He has bestowed upon us!

God is awesome! He is our strength and our salvation! (see Isaiah 33:2) He is all-powerful, ever-living, ever-loving, and all creation clearly testifies to His power and glory as Creator of everything that lives, moves, and has being. The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1) and we should do the same!

Over the years, the following prayer (author unknown) has served to be a wonderful way to start the day by giving thanks to God. This prayer not only gives thanks to Him, it also proclaims our dedication of service to Him, and motivates us to continue to do so throughout the day -

​                                                                         Good morning, God, and thank You
                                                 For the glory of the sun,
                                                 And thank You for the health I have
                                                 To get my duty done.

                                                 I shall devote the hours
                                                 Of this golden day to You,
                                                 By honoring Your Holy Name
                                                 In everything I do.

                                                 I shall pursue my daily art,
                                                 Without complaint or fear
                                                 And spend my every effort
                                                 To be friendly and sincere.

                                                 I know there have been many days
                                                 That I have whiled away,
                                                 But this is one that I will try
                                                 To make Your special day.

                                                 And so, once more,
                                                 Good morning, God!
                                                 And please depend on me,
                                                 Because I want to honor You
                                                 For all eternity.

Loving Father, we praise You in thanksgiving as we start this glorious day. Thank You for the gift of life and for the wondrous beauty of all You have created. Father, we honor You today not only with our words but with our actions as well. May we always seek to honor You and give You glory in everything we think, in everything we say, and in everything we do each and every day. In Jesus' Holy Name we pray, Amen. †

<![CDATA[Never Too Busy!]]>Thu, 25 May 2023 04:53:05 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/never-too-busy9393799Picture

"​...whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
 (1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV)
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

(Colossians 3:17 ESV)

Jake smoothed out the creases from the crumpled up dollar bill he had in his pocket and hungrily fed it into the candy machine. He was running late for a meeting and didn’t have time to stop off to eat on his way back to the office so he figured he’d grab a quick candy bar to get him through the rest of the busy day ahead.
As he scarfed down his Twix and entered the meeting room, Carol greeted him with a smile and invited him to a get-together she had planned for the following Saturday. Jake really wanted to go, since most of his coworkers would be there as well, but he replied that he was very busy that weekend with previous commitments and probably wouldn’t be able to make it. He then thought for a moment and told Carol that, even though he was very busy, he would try his best to fit it into his schedule and hoped to be there.
As it turned out, Jake didn’t make it to the get-together. Even though he tried to fit it into his busy schedule that day, there just wasn’t enough time to get together at the get-together.
Many of us lead “busy” lives that, more often than not, seem to prevent us from getting together with family and friends because of “previous commitments” or “scheduling conflicts”, etc. Similarly, many of us “feel bad” that we don’t seem to have enough time to make prayer or Bible reading a part of our “busy” day. Even though we try very hard, with the best intentions, we just can’t seem to “fit” God into our busy schedule. But when it comes to spending time with God, this needn’t be the case.
Perhaps, if we have a different concept of how we can spend quality time with God, we will realize that we are never “too busy” to connect with God. We truly can spend every moment of our life with Him!
God is always available for us and He is with us at all times by the power of His Holy Spirit, which indwells in our hearts. When we acknowledge His presence within us, we become one with Him – we unite with Him and experience a spiritual communion together with Him! God is indeed with us in every breath that we take and He walks with us through every step of our life!
No matter how busy we “think” we are we can still be with Him at all times in everything we do. If we live our lives so that God is truly at the center of everything we think, say, and do, all of our thoughts and actions will bring us closer into a true union with Him. Our union with God brings about a communion with God! When we walk through life together with God every step of the way, we are never alone. We not only have fellowship with Him but He also leads us in the right direction and guides us to make the right choices and decisions necessary to live a positive and fruitful life. God created us on purpose for a purpose. And He wants to be with us every moment as we realize and fulfill that purpose.
It is true that we must set time aside and forgo the distractions of the world around us to commune one-on-one with God, but we can also be sure He is with us every other moment as well by never losing sight of Him. We can pray all through the day because He reads our hearts and our minds. He hears everything we think – so let’s talk to Him all day long! He senses everything we feel – so let’s open our hearts to Him! Let’s invite Him to a 24/7/365 get-together and ask Him to be with us at work, at play, at rest – at all times! Let’s be sure that everything we do - we do for God! Let’s be sure that everything we do - has Him at the center and gives glory to Him! (see 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17) – no matter what we do, let’s do it together with God and for the glory of God!
Let’s remember that we’re never too busy to spend every moment together with God!
Father, we thank You for always being with us! We know You are truly with us in every breath and in every step we take! Strengthen us to be aware of Your presence and to keep our focus directly on You so that You are truly at the center of everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do. No matter what we do, we want to do it together with You! We want to be busy with You! We want to be at one with You at all times! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. †

<![CDATA[Jesus Christ is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!]]>Sun, 09 Apr 2023 06:47:42 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/jesus-christ-is-risen-indeed-alleluia4195461Picture

And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb…”
(Luke 24:2 ESV)

On that first glorious Easter morning, His disciples found the stone had been rolled away from the tomb. Jesus Christ had risen indeed! Alleluia!

In His dying He destroyed death and in His rising He restored life - and in Him we find a new and everlasting life!

​Yes, He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Let us rejoice today and every day in the glorious victory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Risen Jesus, we rejoice in Your glorious victory, Alleluia! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

​We would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! ​​

<![CDATA[Faith Comes By Hearing]]>Wed, 08 Mar 2023 07:18:40 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/faith-comes-by-hearing2899480Picture

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
(Romans 10:17 NKJV)

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in June and the congregation filled the church to capacity eagerly awaiting Pastor Rick’s message. He was a very animated and charismatic speaker known for his passionate, deeply inspiring sermons. Pastor Rick always spoke right into the hearts of the people with an authentic and transparent style, pouring out the Spirit that God had poured into him.

Ronnie, a newcomer to the church, was very moved by Pastor Rick’s message that day. Ronnie believed he was hearing God’s call but was still seeking answers to the many spiritual questions he had been wrestling with for years. After the service, he approached Pastor Rick and asked him how he came to have such a passion for Jesus and how to find that kind of faith.

Pastor Rick pointed to the Bible he was holding and quoted Romans 10:17. He told Ronnie that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. He said that in order to come to true faith in God we must read the Bible in order to let Him speak to us so that He can teach us who He is and how much He loves us – and there we will find our faith.

Ronnie felt very excited as he headed home with a newly found motivation to read his Bible hoping to find the faith he had been seeking for such a long time. He spent much time reading and studying God's Word and eventually came to have great faith placing all of his hope and trust in the Lord.

New believers and seekers long to have faith but are not sure where to find it. Thankfully, God tells us, in Romans 10:17, where to find and develop the faith we seek – in His Word! In order to have faith in God, we must get to know Him so that when we know Him and understand His plan for us, we will come to find true faith in Him. We will know that we can place all of our hope and trust in Him!

We need to read and study God’s Word in order to meet Him and develop a trusting relationship with Him. God reveals Himself to us and His plan of redemption and salvation for us in the Scriptures. When we hear Him speaking to us, we come to realize just how much He loves and cares for us. God loves us so much that He gave His only Son Jesus to save us and bring eternal life to all who believe in Him (see John 3:16-17). Ephesians 2:8 explains that we are saved by God’s grace through our faith. We receive the saving grace God extends to us through the faith we have in His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. God's Word enlightens and comforts us by giving us the knowledge and confidence that we can put all of our hope and trust in the promises of Christ.

So then faith comes to us by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God – the message of Christ – the Good News! (see Romans 10:17)
Let’s be sure to read our Bibles so that we can meet our God and develop a personal relationship with Him. When we read His Word, He will speak right into our hearts through the power of His Holy Spirit and He will reveal Himself to us. If we listen, we will hear Him; and the faith we seek will truly come to us bringing confidence and comfort!
Father, we thank You for revealing Yourself to us so that we may find true faith by hearing Your Word. We thank You for the gift of Your grace through our faith in Jesus Christ, Your Son, in whose Holy Name we pray, Amen. †

<![CDATA[The Cost of Discipleship]]>Tue, 21 Feb 2023 04:41:39 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/all-things-work-together-for-good7024455Picture
"Now great crowds accompanied him, and he turned and said to them, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple." 
(Luke 14:25-27 ESV)

​​​Are you willing to be a true disciple of Jesus and follow His example?

While salvation is a free gift, true discipleship has a cost. True disciples of Jesus must love Him more than anyone or anything else and must follow in His steps by living according to His example and teaching.

Jesus refers to His followers as “disciples.” A disciple is the student of a mentor or teacher and puts what has been learned into practice. Jesus is our Master Teacher and, as His disciples, we are called to apply His teachings to our daily lives and to extend what we have learned to others.

Jesus taught that in order to be true disciples, we must love Him supremely over all people and all things. When Jesus explained this, He did not mean that we should have hatred in our hearts toward our family or others. Instead, He was using hyperbole to magnify His point that our love for Him must be that much greater in comparison.

He also taught that we must bear our cross and follow after Him. If we truly follow after Jesus, we are sure to experience the same kind of opposition and persecution that He encountered when He was here on earth. This is the cross that we are to bear.

Jesus was a humble servant. He always put God first and the needs of others before His own. In imitation of His example, we too must put God first and serve others before ourselves. Instead of living self-centered lives, we must live Christ-centered lives. Everything we think, do, and say must be rooted in Christ so that we will reflect His Light and Love into the hearts and lives of those around us. By living according to His example and putting what He has taught us into practice, we will lead others to the same Savior we represent!

Jesus wants us to be sure to count the cost of becoming His disciples. He wants us to know exactly what we are committing to so that we will not be tempted to turn back later. Jesus wants to use us to build His Church and to continue His work. He wants us to have the endurance needed to be disciples who make disciples by spreading His Good News to the entire world.

• Are you willing to pay the cost of discipleship?
• Will you give Jesus first place in your heart?
• Will you put the needs of others before your own?

Let’s join together as disciples who make disciples and follow after Jesus!

Lord Jesus, it is our desire to follow after You. We love You first and foremost! We pray for the endurance to bear our cross daily and for the compassion and humility to serve the needs of others before ourselves. May our every thought, word, and deed be centered on You in imitation of the example You have set for us. In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[The Reverse Domino Effect]]>Sun, 08 Jan 2023 10:21:43 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/the-reverse-domino-effect6017824Picture

​So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong.” 
(Hebrews 12:12-13 NLT)

The “Domino Effect” is a term used to signify a chain reaction where one event initiates a chain of similar, relative events. The term is used as an analogy to falling rows of dominoes.
Our actions have consequences; that is, the things we do have an effect. The resulting effect is a chain reaction that has an impact not only on us individually but on others as well. As with the falling domino analogy, the resulting effect will also have an affect on others. When our actions are negative in nature, they will produce negative effects. Conversely, our positive actions will have positive effects.
As believers, we must be aware that our actions have these impacting consequences. Our negative actions will have an unfavorable influence on others. If we do not walk in the light of faith, we will stumble, fail, and fall. When fall, we bring about a domino effect causing those around us to stumble, fail, and fall with us as well.
On the other hand, when we walk in the light as Christ is in the light (see 1 John 1:7), we reflect the light of Christ into the world and onto those around us. The result is what we refer to as the “Reverse Domino Effect”. Instead of the rows of dominoes falling, we raise the rows of dominoes back to a standing position. We counteract any previous negativity that has caused the dominoes to fall and help to raise them up again. In other words, instead of knocking down those around us, we lift them up, strengthen them, and keep them from falling.
Our positive actions have a positive influence on those around us. When we are secure in our faith and keep the Lord’s commands, we help to provide a stable foundation on which we can help others to stand and to build. That stable foundation is our Lord Jesus Christ. The wise builder will build his house upon the rock and the house will not fall (see Matthew 7:24-27).
“Dominoes” set upon the rock of Christ will not fall. Neither will they cause others around them to fall but rather will be rooted in the firm and stable foundation found in Jesus Christ that together all will remain strong and stay standing.
Lets us stay strong and lead by the example of Jesus. Let us make our paths straight and build our lives upon the rock of Jesus Christ so that others will not fall and will be made strong (cf. Hebrews 12:13).
Lord Jesus, lead us and guide us that we may follow Your example. Help us to build upon Your stable foundation that we may stand firm and not fall. In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Jesus is the Reason for the Season!]]>Tue, 13 Dec 2022 01:14:45 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/jesus-is-the-reason-for-the-season6274861Picture
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
(Isaiah 7:14 ESV)

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us)." (Matthew 1:23 ESV

Rejoice! Rejoice! God is with us! For the promise of God, spoken through the prophet Isaiah, has been fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ!

As we reflect on the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we recall God's promises and are again reminded of His never-ending love for us and His faithfulness to His Word.

God promised to send a Redeemer, to ransom us from captivity - the captivity of sin. Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, is the fulfillment of all God's promises made to us throughout Scripture.

Although we were once incarcerated in a prison of sin, we have been freed from our bondage by the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross. He has paid our sin-debt in full and has ransomed us from captivity! 

Rejoice! Rejoice! 
Jesus is the reason for the season!

We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas filled with the grace and peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You for the gift of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We rejoice for we know that You are truly with us always! In Jesus' Holy Name, we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[A New Creation!]]>Fri, 11 Nov 2022 19:06:31 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/a-new-creation9088308Picture

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
​(2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV)

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me…”
(Galatians 2:20 ESV)

The caterpillar crawled slowly through the dirt seemingly getting nowhere. He used every ounce of his energy to move forward making very little progress. Day after day, he crawled about through the dirt and debris, struggling to overcome the many obstacles in his path, only to have traveled a few feet in the end.

As time passed, the caterpillar found himself trapped in a cocoon barely able to move. He struggled to free himself but to no avail. Life
 to him seemed to be an unrelenting, perpetual struggle to escape from his bondage. Desperately wanting to break free, he continued to struggle with of all the strength he could muster and finally broke free from his entombment.

As he emerged from the torn cocoon, he realized that he had experienced a change – a transformation from what he once had been to what he had now become.  The caterpillar, once struggling through the dirt, crawling to get nowhere, had now become a beautiful butterfly soaring about high in the sky so very far from where he was before!

Life was quite different for him now. As a butterfly, he no longer struggled to move about. He no longer crawled through dirt and debris. He was a new creation – a beautiful creature that had been transformed with a new life and a new purpose!

Much like the caterpillar, we often struggle to crawl over the obstacles we have created by our life choices. Although we try with all of our energy, we seem to be getting nowhere and often find it very difficult to see a purpose in our lives. Fortunately, like the caterpillar, we too can emerge from our cocoon and be transformed into a new creation with a new life and a new purpose!

When we give our lives to Christ, we are transformed and created anew in Him. We become a new creation! Our old ways pass away and give way to our new purpose (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). We die to our old self and are reborn filled with the Spirit of Christ (see Galatians 2:20). We are given a new life in Christ – a new life that transforms us into a new creation with the newfound ability to soar high above the obstacles we had previously created! - a new life with a new purpose far different than we had previously

When we finally realize that we are tired of crawling aimlessly through the obstacles of life; tired of struggling to break free from our bondage, we can open our hearts to receive Jesus Christ and to allow His Holy Spirit to fill us and change us. When we allow ourselves to be completely filled with His Spirit, He will forever transform us and set us free!

There is new life in Christ! The old will pass away and the new will come! (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Fly high and free for you are a new creation!

Lord Jesus, we pray to be born again and to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. Fill our hearts with Your life and Your love and transform us into a new creation! Set us free with a new life and a new purpose! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. † 

<![CDATA[All Things Work Together for Good!]]>Sun, 09 Oct 2022 01:31:33 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/all-things-work-together-for-good2143239Picture

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 
(Romans 8:28 ESV)

Things happen to us that we cannot control and things happen to us that we bring upon ourselves through our actions, decisions, etc. When we experience pain and suffering, we don’t always understand God’s plan for us or why things happen to us.

Suffering is never wasted in God’s divine agenda. He will always use our suffering to bring about good in the end. He makes all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose (see Romans 8:28).

Romans 8:28 is one of the most quoted verses in the Bible and for good reason. It helps us to understand that God makes everything work together to bring about a positive result and that gives us hope and brings us comfort in knowing that even though we don’t always understand why things happen, we know that God is always in control and He will make positive use of what we initially perceive to be negative. His ways are surely above our ways and His thoughts are definitely above our thoughts! (see Isaiah 55:8-9)

We must always place our trust in God and know that His plan for us is good. He is always at work cleaning up after the mess we make and making things turn out right in the end. He always knows what's best for us and always does right by us!

God is good all the time! And all the time God is good!

Father, Your thoughts are above our thoughts and Your ways are above our ways. We know that You are in complete control and that You make all things work together for our good. Your love never fails us. We love You and we thank You for Your everlasting love! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. †

<![CDATA[Hang a U-Turn!]]>Wed, 07 Sep 2022 02:26:28 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/hang-a-u-turn8521577Picture

​Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,” 
(Acts 3:19 NIV)

​When traveling down the road, a driver saw a sign that said “Wrong Way”. He ignored the warning and continued on, knowing that he was heading in the wrong direction and into unavoidable danger.
Many of us, especially this author, have traveled the wrong way on the road of life, ignoring the warning signs along the way. We see the signs, yet we continue to head in the wrong direction only to lead ourselves into negative circumstances.
The warning signs we see along the way have been put there by God to protect us but unfortunately, even though we are fully aware of the consequences, we continue to move onward in the wrong direction. We know the difference between right and wrong, yet we continue to make the wrong choices. We receive the warnings, but we fail to heed them. We often justify our choices to ourselves knowing deep down inside that these choices are wrong. When we make the wrong choices, we hurt not only ourselves but often hurt others as well.
Jesus promised to send His Holy Spirit to help us, teach us, and guide us (see John 14:16-1726). The Holy Spirit warns us when we are heading the wrong way in order to protect us. When we heed His warning and turn back, we are then heading in the right direction - back to the safety that is found in Jesus Christ.
Acts 3:19 tells us that we are to repent and turn back to God. Simply stated, repentance is turning from going the wrong way and heading back in the right direction. In other words, to repent is to turn from our sin and to turn back toward God. In order to repent, we must confess our sin and take full responsibility for our previous actions. When we do so, and ask for His forgiveness, God extends His grace to us. Though we do not deserve His grace and mercy, He nevertheless extends His favor and forgiveness to us out of His everlasting love for us.
At Christ’s expense, we have been given the riches of God’s grace. Jesus promised to give us of His Spirit and when we accept Him and turn from our sin and turn toward God, we receive His Holy Spirit. Upon receiving His Spirit, we are created anew and we are given a new heart and a fresh start (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). The Holy Spirit changes our hearts and our minds and we move toward God and away from sin.
Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith. It is through our faith in Jesus Christ that we receive God’s grace that brings about the change of heart needed to truly repent and turn from sin completely.
It’s never too late to "hang a U-Turn” and head back in the right direction - back to Jesus. He gave His life for our sins to be forgiven and all we have to do is ask Him to forgive us - and He will! If you feel you are heading the wrong way; if you see the signs and hear the warnings, remember that you can always turn back to safety – all you need to do is ask and He will help you to turn from sin and turn back to Him to be refreshed and start anew. Things will change when you head in the right direction! Jesus is the Way (see John 14:6) and He will always protect us as He leads us in the right direction!
Lord Jesus, we know You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we turn from our former ways and we turn back to You. Please open our hearts to receive Your Holy Spirit to lead us, guide us, and protect us on our way! We love You and we thank You for forgiving us and creating us anew! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. 

<![CDATA[Magnify the Lord!]]>Fri, 12 Aug 2022 02:10:48 GMThttp://cornerstonecleveland.com/blog/magnify-the-lord2127924Picture

"Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
 and let us exalt his name together!" 
(Psalm 34:3)

​“And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…’” 
(Luke 1:46-47 ESV)

​Little Johnny was excited to use the new magnifying glass he had just received for his birthday, so he ran down the street to get his friend Susie to try it out with him. They gathered up some dry grass and twigs to use as tinder and made a neat little pile. Johnny held the magnifier at just the right angle, aiming the rays of the hot summer sun onto the pile of tinder. Suddenly, the pile started to smoke and then a small flame began to rise. A few seconds later, the dry grass and twigs were completely ablaze! They marveled at how they had been able to use the magnifier to harness the power of the sun to start the fire.

In a similar way, we have the ability to magnify the Lord - to harness the power of the Son, to start a fire in our own hearts and in the hearts of others as well. In today’s Scripture passage from Luke, known as “The Magnificat”, Mary proclaims and rejoices in magnifying the Lord. Our spirit will rejoice as well when we do the same!

As Christians, we must ask ourselves if indeed we are magnifying the Lord. Do our thoughts magnify Him? Do our words and actions magnify Him to others? Are we reflecting His Light into the world around us and into the lives of others?

When our thoughts magnify the Lord, we allow Him to do His work of sanctification within us by the power of His Holy Spirit. He cleanses and purifies us, and thus, we are renewed with a hunger and thirst for righteousness - and we will be satisfied! (see Matthew 5:6)

When our words and actions magnify the Lord, we are harnessing the power of the Son, reflecting His Light and His Power into the hearts of others. By reflecting His Light, we allow Him to use us, in the same way the children used the magnifying glass, to start a fire in the hearts of others that we all may rejoice together in God our Savior!

Let’s make a point of magnifying the Son today and everyday - in our thoughts, in our words, and in our actions! God wants to change our hearts and when we allow Him to do His work within us, we can change the world - for the better!

Let’s make “The Magnificat” that Mary proclaimed be our song to sing together each and every day to magnify the Lord! -

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47 ESV)

Lord Jesus, we sing together in a song of praise as we rejoice in You our Lord and Savior! It is our passion to magnify You in all we do! We love You and we thank You, Lord Jesus! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.  ​​
