“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
(Psalm 118:22 ESV)
The cornerstone sets the foundation upon which a structure is built and upon which the structure depends for support. When the proper cornerstone is chosen and properly placed, it provides the support needed to keep the structure standing firm and prevents it from falling. Psalm 118:22 alludes to Jesus as the Cornerstone which the builders had rejected. When we reject Jesus as the Cornerstone to build our lives upon, we are destined to fall.
As Jesus Himself said in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (see Matthew 7:24-27 and Luke 6:46-49), we are to build our lives upon Him as our Foundation. If we do otherwise and build upon a different foundation rather than on that of Jesus, we will surely fall when facing the adversities we are challenged with in life.
When Jesus is our Cornerstone; when Jesus is our Foundation; when Jesus is truly at the center of our life and the main focus of our thoughts and actions, He will provide us with the firm foundation to stay standing through the struggles and challenges we daily face.
When Jesus is truly at the center of everything we think - everything we say - and everything we do, the choices we make are based upon the foundation of His teaching and upon His values and not upon the poor judgement we tend to have when our focus is elsewhere. We start to see a change - we no longer struggle with situations we have created by our own bad decisions. We find new hope and a positive outlook knowing that with Jesus at the center of our lives, we can do all things though Him because He gives us strength (see Philippians 4:13)! When we build upon Jesus as the Cornerstone, we are made strong and we can stand against anything and everything!
With Jesus at the center of our lives we will stand firm and we will never fall! Let’s place our focus on Jesus and not on the distractions of this world nor on our own false wisdom. Let’s place our trust in the Lord and He will make our way straight (see Proverbs 3:5-6).
Lord Jesus, You are the Cornerstone, the Rock and Foundation upon which we build our lives. We pray for the strength and courage we know You will provide us with so that we may stay strong and stand firm against the challenges we face in our lives. We know that with You at the center of our lives we will never fall. We love You and we thank You, Lord Jesus. In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. †