“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
(Romans 10:17 NKJV)
It was a beautiful Sunday morning in June and the congregation filled the church to capacity eagerly awaiting Pastor Rick’s message. He was a very animated and charismatic speaker known for his passionate, deeply inspiring sermons. Pastor Rick always spoke right into the hearts of the people with an authentic and transparent style, pouring out the Spirit that God had poured into him.
Ronnie, a newcomer to the church, was very moved by Pastor Rick’s message that day. Ronnie believed he was hearing God’s call but was still seeking answers to the many spiritual questions he had been wrestling with for years. After the service, he approached Pastor Rick and asked him how he came to have such a passion for Jesus and how to find that kind of faith.
Pastor Rick pointed to the Bible he was holding and quoted Romans 10:17. He told Ronnie that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. He said that in order to come to true faith in God we must read the Bible in order to let Him speak to us so that He can teach us who He is and how much He loves us – and there we will find our faith.
Ronnie felt very excited as he headed home with a newly found motivation to read his Bible hoping to find the faith he had been seeking for such a long time. He spent much time reading and studying God's Word and eventually came to have great faith placing all of his hope and trust in the Lord.
New believers and seekers long to have faith but are not sure where to find it. Thankfully, God tells us, in Romans 10:17, where to find and develop the faith we seek – in His Word! In order to have faith in God, we must get to know Him so that when we know Him and understand His plan for us, we will come to find true faith in Him. We will know that we can place all of our hope and trust in Him!
We need to read and study God’s Word in order to meet Him and develop a trusting relationship with Him. God reveals Himself to us and His plan of redemption and salvation for us in the Scriptures. When we hear Him speaking to us, we come to realize just how much He loves and cares for us. God loves us so much that He gave His only Son Jesus to save us and bring eternal life to all who believe in Him (see John 3:16-17). Ephesians 2:8 explains that we are saved by God’s grace through our faith. We receive the saving grace God extends to us through the faith we have in His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. God's Word enlightens and comforts us by giving us the knowledge and confidence that we can put all of our hope and trust in the promises of Christ.
So then faith comes to us by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God – the message of Christ – the Good News! (see Romans 10:17)
Let’s be sure to read our Bibles so that we can meet our God and develop a personal relationship with Him. When we read His Word, He will speak right into our hearts through the power of His Holy Spirit and He will reveal Himself to us. If we listen, we will hear Him; and the faith we seek will truly come to us bringing confidence and comfort!
Father, we thank You for revealing Yourself to us so that we may find true faith by hearing Your Word. We thank You for the gift of Your grace through our faith in Jesus Christ, Your Son, in whose Holy Name we pray, Amen. †