"I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness."
(John 12:46 ESV)
Jesus is our light and our salvation. He came into the world as light so that we would not remain in darkness (see John 12:46).
Apart from Christ, we are lost in the deepest darkness. Without His light to guide us, we are sure to stumble and fall for we are unable to find our way on our own. When we are separated from Christ, we wander deeper into the darkness with no guidance along the way of life.
There is darkness in the world because it has become alienated from God who is light. But Jesus does not want us to be lost in the darkness. He promises that if we believe in Him, we will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (see John 8:12).
Jesus brings the light of God into the world to rescue us from the darkness. He enlightens us with the knowledge of truth and righteousness so that we can navigate a steady course through the obstacles we encounter in our lives. Jesus gives us the hope and strength that we need to endure and reveals to us the very presence of God that lights our path and leads us along the proper way.
Jesus wants us to place our trust in Him so that He can dispel the darkness and fill us with His light. When we open our hearts to Jesus, He fills us to overflowing so that we shine like brilliant, radiant beacons of light. He also wants us to reflect the light He shines on us back into the world around us and into the lives of others!
The light of Jesus Christ shines forever in the darkness and the darkness can never overcome His light (cf. John 1:5).
• Are you wandering in darkness?
• Will you place your trust in Jesus and receive His light?
• Will you reflect the light of Christ back into the lives of others?
Lord Jesus, we thank You for bringing Your light into the world to rescue us from darkness. We open our hearts to receive You and to reflect the light of Your love into the lives of others! In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen. †